Over the past few years, our family has had the tradition of the Blessing Basket. There are times that we are better about remembering to do it than others, but every night before bed, we each write down on slips of paper something we are grateful for that day and then place the papers in a basket. I just spent a good half hour reading through a bunch of them, and reminiscing. Here are a few.
- I'm am glad our family can play card games together.
- I'm glad we have a really beautiful final memory of Grandma Lu.
- I am thankful for my friends, the stars, and for Halloween.
- I'm thankful for kids who make me laugh.
- I'm thankful I could take a long nap today.
- I'm grateful to live in a land where I can vote and not be afraid to voice my opinion.
- I'm thankful I didn't puke today.
- I'm thankful I can read and enjoy great books, and I'm thankful for the people who wrote them.
- I'm thankful for my cat, Chester, and my friends, Sebi and Jeffrey.
- I'm thankful for Jesus and his example for me.
Here is where this recipe for chocolate turtle cookies comes in. I thought I'd make some cookies to welcome a new family to the neighborhood for my act of service. And of course, I'd make enough for my family to enjoy as well.
I haven't had these cookies for a long time. My mom made them when I was young, and I loved them. They're really easy to make, and kids love to help out because it's like making little chocolate waffles.
So, if you want to do a good deed and put a smile on someone's face, make a batch of these.
Here they are before the frosting. Another great idea would
be to serve them like this with ice cream and hot fudge sauce.
The finished turtles. What a fun cookie!